Anna Bertani
PhD Student at University of Trento & Fondazione Bruno Kessler

I am currently a PhD student in Computer Science and Information Engineering at the University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), where I work at the Complex Human Behaviour Lab under the supervision of Dr. Riccardo Gallotti. My research focuses on understanding the structural and functional characteristics of online communication networks and how these properties can influence pathological behaviors, such as the spread of disinformation and misinformation. I combine machine learning, data science, and network science techniques to gain insight from online social media.
I completed a MSc in Data Science at the University of Trento, with a thesis on the characterization of social behavior dynamics during exceptional events, supervised by Prof. Manlio De Domenico.
I have been a Research Assistant at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, where I collaborated on the I-POLHYS under the supervision of Elena Pavan.
I am also passionate about sharing science with the wider public, particularly during events like European Sharper Nights, where I engage with high school students and the general public to make complex topics more accessible for everyone and to raise awareness about the risks of misinformation.
Nov 05, 2024 | I am excited to begin my research stay at Indiana University as a Visiting Scholar at the Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe), working under the guidance of Fil Menczer and Alessandro Flammini. |
Apr 29, 2024 | We presented our works and projects at the Open Lab Seminars, hosted by CUDANLab! Check out the recording here. |
Mar 19, 2024 | Our paper “Decoding the News Media Diet of Disinformation Spreaders” has been published in Entropy.Check it out here |
Mar 08, 2024 | Our paper “Large-scale digital signatures of emotional response to the COVID-19 vaccination campaign” has been published in EPJ Data Science! Check it out here |